This week Green Light Cinema was able to get their hands on the “Apple TV Exclusive” film “On The Rocks”, yet again teaming together director Sofia Coppola and actor Bill Murray since 2003s “Lost In Translation”.

In “On The Rocks” Sofia Coppola takes a step back in a stylistic aspect but is still able to deliver one of the best “Dramedies” in the last few years. Bill Murray was spot on in this film, delivering one of this best performances in years, yet again playing a father figure type role. Rashida Jones holds her own, sticking with Murray’s deadpan style. Marlon Wayans plays Jones’s husband in the film, who sort of works as a macguffin or plot device to get the story going.
One could say the film is about a father and daughter trying to uncover a possible cheating husband, but as “On The Rocks” goes on it becomes about the relationship between Bill Murray and Rashida Jones.
Fans of Coppola’s work might not dig this one or feel it’s a lighter entry in her cannon compared to “Virgin Suicides” and “Marie Antoinette” but still definitely worth watching. Grade: 4/5
Next week Green Light will be showing the highly anticipated film “Ammonite” starring Saoirse Ronan and Kate Winslet.