Following up his acclaimed “100 Everyday Items Collection”, Robert Gallardo is tapping into our childhood just in time for Black Friday with the new “100 Childhood Toys” NFT collection.

Just now getting into the Ethereum game I missed out on the first collection Rob dropped a few months back, it was a pleasant surprise to see these pop up on my feed. Despite not having the ETH to get past the gas fees at this time the prices on the pieces is still pretty reasonable with each one fetching around $44-$49 before fees. I still wanted to highlight the collection as well as shout out some of my favorite pieces.

A majority of the toys featured in the collection come from the 90s and early 2000s but a few surprises like the “Star Wars” figures and my personal favorite in the collection the “Gumby” figure come from a previous generation.

This “Hungry Hungry Hippo’s” piece is very nostalgic for me. As a Jit I would play this game all the time, trying to fill up my Hippos belly so much that it would pop. I don’t remember which Hippo I would select the most, more than likely the blue or the green. If this one is still available on Opensea I will definitely add it to the wallet.

Now this one brings me back. From the show to it being a staple at everyone’s party as a kid, you knew it was go time when the Beyblade arena. was brought out. Jits would rev up their Beyblade so much it would break as soon as it it the area. Dragoon was always the best one in the show but my favorites were the cyber counter parts of the main characters Beyblades. Back in the day we really thought a big ass dragon was gonna pop out of the centerpiece, and for some of us it really did.
From the Robot Dog to Stretch Armstrong, this NFT collection has everything on your Jits wishlist. So pull out your MetaMask and sail on over to the Opensea, to get your hands on some rare Cybermonk NFTs.