Offering supporters an alternative way to view his upcoming NFT collections, Robert Gallardo opens his metaverse art show titled “Ethos Pathos Logos”, featuring his recently minted “Logo Flips” and “All Falls Down” collections.

Despite being created a few years back, both the “Logo Flips” and “All Falls Down” collections find new life in the metaverse, giving the pieces a more visceral experience. Rob just minted these collections on Opensea, allowing supporters and friends to finally get their thumbs on a piece of “Grey GOAT” art, much of which was not for sale prior.

While browsing the gallery I felt connected with other spectators despite viewing the pieces in the Metaverse, it was like we all were at opening night of the gallery as a community. Viewing the pieces in the Metaverse gave me a greater appreciation for the collection, and the story Rob is telling with it. Pieces like “Diet Woke” a flip on “Diet Coke” and “Chains” a flip on “Chase”, hit even harder in Web3.

With the latest minting of the “All Falls Down” collection and then viewing the collection again as part of this gallery, it’s crazy to think how slept on these pieces are. From the “Takashi Murakami” piece, to the very nostalgic “Toy R Us” piece, all the classics are on display. The real crown jewel of the entire gallery for me would have to be “Notification Overload”. We all want to have a bunch of followers and see a bunch of hearts on our IG but what if it was non stop, constantly blowing up your phone.
Rob continues to push the boundaries of Web3, I would love to see possibly a gallery featuring the recently minted “The Smiley Project” or the rumored “Purple Children” covers featured in Metaverse Gallery form. It would be really dope if we could some how chat with people live in the gallery to discuss the pieces or comment on them. $GREY is the future.