With the shift to Web3 on the horizon, the holders of $GREY have come together to create the $GREY DAO to ensure the mistakes of Web2 are not made again.

The $GREY DAO is a decentralized design house with the mission centered on creating digital and physical products. Taking inspiration from the efficacy of the group “Anonymous” and the anonymity of Maison Martin Margiela. The existence of the group is to give ownership back to the creatives. The success and failure of the $GREY DAO is based solely on the community.

Season 1 began on 11/05/2021 establishing citizenship within the $GREY DAO as well as how to attain more $GREY. The 3 member $GREY Council helps steer the direction of the $GREY DAO as well as decide the monthly $GREY budget for citizens, how the governance will evolve, team members postpone, as well as the evolution of each season.

There is only 10 Million $GREY in existence. The only ways to obtain $GREY is to be given it for activity in the $GREY Area, or swapping it out for ETH. In the $GREY society your role is determined by how much $GREY you poses.
The Tourist role is required to hold at least 1 $GREY in order to have access to the $GREY Area.
The Citizen role unlocks the UGI (Universal $GREY Income). You must be active in the $GREY Area to remain a citizen. As a citizen you are able to submit proposal ideas for the group. A citizen must hold 200 $GREY at all times.
The Architect role opens up the ability to propose votes and partnerships. The suggest requirement to obtain the role of Architect is currently holding 2000 $GREY.
The Partner role will reward those for providing the group with the essential manufacturing and production abilities in order to help the collective prosper with each coming season.
With the $GREY DAO Manifesto only being in existence for a little under a month, we are merely on the cusp of what the $GREY DAO could eventually become. It is up to the inhabitants of the $GREY Area to create and work together for a better future.