With rug culture on the rise, it was only a matter of time before someone with amazing tufting skills stepped onto the Tampa Bay scene. Introducing Rugmarole!

Despite just getting into the tufting game a few months ago, Rugmarole has already done a few solid commissions for some of my favorite brands in the Tampa Bay Area. These spooky skulls rugs commissioned for Chksonly raffle came out really dope.

This 30in “Psily Boy Troy” rug commissioned for Chksonly takes it to another level, adding in more colors and details to the piece. I really dig the take on Toad from the Mario series. For some reason it reminds me of Pierre Bournes music, I am not sure if it’s an influence but it definitely fits.

My favorite piece so far from Rugmarole is the Before The Store “BTS” logo rug. Before The Storm is gang so you already know this was gonna be one of them ones. Any fan of the brand or collective would want this piece in their collection. Would love to see Rugmarole’s take on the three spirals logo the brand is often associated with.
With commissions closed for the time being, some more customs and a few surprise pieces will be released by Rugmarole in the near future. If you missed out on the latest commission openings, I would definitely keep it locked to the Rugmarole IG or just hit them up to see when you can reserve a spot to get the rug of your dreams.