The good folks over at Garbäj are ending the year out strong, blessing us with some gifts for the holiday season.

In collaboration with Moose In The Burg, these new home decor pillows are replicas of the Holy Sigil Prayer Blade, forged by the Clerics of The Recyclical Basilica. This is an essential piece for any lover of all things Garbäj. Able to be used for display or combat this piece works as a fashion piece as well as protection against the Gatekeeper.

I really dig these new hand printed tote bags that just dropped as well. Featuring different designs my favorite as got to be the one featuring the Recyclical Basilica. Some of my favorite pieces are usually the ones featuring the Garbäj logo or a different spin on the logo. That Holy Sigil Prayer Blade on the strap is a nice touch.
With 2021 coming to a close I can’t wait to see what Garbäj has in the cards for us next year. I love the journey Garbäj takes us on with each release, further expanding the lore and world, while keeping the supporters dressed in drip.