LittleBull 4U Presents “Momentum” an experience combining art, fashion, and dance at The Factory St.Pete.

Exploring the theme of creation in the Post-Industrial USA, LittleBull 4U uses the “momentum” to evolve in what was thought to be the end. To continue even when all the odds are against you, “Momentum” will carry you forward.

With many of the designs kept under wraps until the show, I have a feeling the looks will match the Post Industrial esthetic of The Factory. With dance being a major theme in the show, I feel the models will act as story tellers, guiding us with their looks as well as their movements.
Featuring fellow artists and creators such as @femmekeanu, @whatbutts, @ladydaisychains, @alandwolfe, @skilhaus, @hoodge.shoots, @em.koh, @alexisdeaneogg, @kylestrangelove, @thetampianvintagejungle, @thefactorystpete, @juanchamorro
Tickets for the event are still available on, with a few reserved seats still up for grabs. It’s really dope The Factory St.Pete continues to host events that are helping grow the Fashion and Art world in St.Pete.