Straight out the cauldron, birthed from the Trill principles of the A$AP Mob and the Florida Underground Scene, Prx Jit pronounced “Pro Jit”, is staking it’s claim as the first Trillwear brand with their inaugural “Cozy Duffle” 1 of 1 piece and accompanying ad campaign, an ode to A$AP Yams and everything he embodied.

Before the official t shirts drop, the brand wanted to take a different approach with their inaugural release with this 1 of 1 commissioned “Cozy Duffle”, crafted by Cowboy By Takeo and Moose In The Burg. The purple and red exterior are the brands primary colors also featuring hits of the new “Prx Jit” logo, also commissioned by Takeo. You already know “Everything Is Purple”. The “Cozy” fur interior sets this piece amongst the rest, furthering the homage to Yams, we “Too Cozy”.

To accompany the launch of Prx Jit as well as tell the story of the “Cozy Duffle”, the brand released the “Cozy Duffle” ad on New Years Eve. An ode to the old school “A.L.I.E.N.” commercial featured in the “Yams Day 2021” video. The track “Basket Case” by DangerDoom sets the vibe.

Starting Takeo as the “Prx Jit”, Landkiss sees the “Cozy Duffle” at the drop site, while the Prx Jit comes onto the scene. Unseen by the Prx Jit, Landkiss waves over, alerting a hoard of goons waiting in the wings.

Armed with bats, the goons emerge with one things on their mind, securing the “Cozy Duffle” and putting the beat down on the jit.

The Prx Jit secures the bag first and makes a run for it. With a head start our hero is able to dart past his attackers with bag in hand.

With the “Keep It Jit” drop already announced, who knows what visuals will accompany that drop as well as what else the team behind Prx Jit will unleash upon the burg. Just remember kids “Keep It Jit”.