Ryan Beckford takes it back to his Florida roots on “Offline EP”.

The project starts off with the trippy “Euphoria”. I really dig the various guitar rifts on the beat. This first track transports is right into Ryan’s World, prepping us for what’s to come.
My favorite track off the project hands down is “Cross Roads”. This one has big FLA Underground Vibes from like 2011 type shit. It would be dope to see Ryan dabble more with this Metro Zu esque production.
“Slick Rick” has Ryan on his rockstar shit. Ryan’s vocals pair well with the atmospheric production. Pretty soon all the hoes are gonna be yelling out Slick Rick!
“Russian Bands” is a dope little banger. I could see a video for this with Ryan, masked up with choppers on deck out in the woods.
Pretty sure I first heard “Long Shlong/ Dip” on the DOS Chapter 1 tape but that’s no longer available, so I’m glad to see it make the cut on this project. Ryan’s got another hit on his hands with “Dip” if he promos it right.
Overall pretty solid project from Ryan Beckford. If he keeps sticking to the esoteric Florida Underground style I am all here for it. “Cross Roads” one of them ones.