Bridging the gap between street wear and high fashion, shit at times high art, Pins&Pluses is cementing itself as one of my favorite brands in the scene.

The inaugural drop for Pins&Pluses was 2019s “Time To Breathe” t shirt collection. Focusing on the themes of unity, reflection, and creativity. The photo shoot and accompanying video is what really captures Pins&Pluses vision and vibe for the brand. It’s on some high fashion shit without feeling like it’s doing to much. Def wish I would have picked one of these up when they dropped.

The white logo t shirt is a simple design for the brand but sometimes you just want to rock a straight up logo tee of your favorite brand. The aspect I like the most about Pins&Pluses vibe is their minimalist approach to design.

Following up the pair of summer releases the brand rolled out their most ambitious collection to date for Fall and Winter “A night in the country”. The gray hoodie is my favorite piece in the collection, working as a piece both man and women can rock. The gray color palette was a nice touch. This was a necessary evolution for the brand moving out of just the straight up logo tees into more of a lifestyle brand, while still keep that high fashion esthetic.

The brands last release at this moment is the “Pink Sky collage” t shirt that dropped top of 2020. Yet again another home run from the brand. Since it’s Florida most of the time all I’m rocking is a t shirt, so this collage design shirt was made for sunny spring days.
The brand has been on a bit of a break over the last year but that is understandable with the virus and everything. I’ve been hearing rumblings that Laurent and Chadddy.p are back in the studio work on some next level product. Now a days if it’s not Tampa Bay Sports gear, I’m only rocking product from homegrown designers. Pins&Pluses is definitely apart of that select few.