DJ Dabs is an underground legend in his own right and one of the only people truly keeping it Trill, legit checking everyone’s pints, not necessarily to call them out but just to put them on game. But that’s just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to Dabs, he’s also been a staple of the FLA Hip Hop scene for a minute now landing some high profile production credits as well making some really dope music in his own right.

I am not the biggest of Spaceghostpurrp as a person but I am a huge fan of his music. There was a time after BMW when his shit wasn’t really hitting the same so he reached out to some other local FLA producers to get his sound right. DJ Dabs flawlessly delivers one of the dopest beats SGP has rapped on before and even since that isn’t his own shit on the “Perfect” beat.

One of DJ Dabs most underrated beats is “Up All Night”, this shit literally transports you back to the 95. No one is really doing this type of production any more or even at this level.
Some of DJ Dabs best work I my opinion is on his own project PVRPLX LXVN. One of the singles “Narcotics” has a really dope rattling beat but Dabs flips it with his melodic flow, adding his own slowed vibe to the track. “Plot On Me” is also really dope. The airy production and the way Dabs spits over the beat, it’s almost like I’m floating on the top of the double cup in a purple oasis.

At this point DJ Dabs is a FLA Hip Hop institution. I am really hype to see whatever new music he puts out and am really digging the direction he is going vocally. There’s only a few of us left keeping it Trill and DJ Dabs is for sure one of them.