After a surprise drop at the Robb Bank$ show pop up, the homies at REACH have officially launched the second capsule in the “Testament” collection.

The second capsule is made up of two black tees. Featured on the back is pretty much what is considered the brands motto at this point “You Ain’t Right With REACH, If You Ain’t Right With God”. The front of the shirt features a crucifix with “REACH” on the front. This capsule comes in two color ways a “Dove White” and my favorite the “REACH RED” in 3-D puff ink.

The “Dove White” adds a more clean minimalistic approach to the collection that compliments the brighter summer colors that were featured in the first drop. On some John Woo shit.

The “REACH RED” color way for me is an essential piece from the brand. The color red is almost synonymous with the brand at this point, so any red piece they drop just embodies the REACH vibe. I for sure will be picking up this piece, shit might even rock it on the podcast.

Like I said in the previous article on the collection I am not the biggest fan of ski masks but damn I might have to pick up that red on to make the whole fit. I also appreciate the ability to turn the mask into a beanie, making it fit ready for the winter time.
The homies at REACH have definitely been on a run this summer, pretty much dropping three different collections on top of the “Cigar City Champions” fitted restocks, the homies are constantly applying that pressure. Would love to see them make shorts to tie into the drop down the road. Everything is MADE IN REACH!