Two of my favorite artists out of the 813, the Trillest DroGotDoe & the infamous E $krilla join forces on “DroGot$krilla” with Kushh Newton and SRRY crafting the perfect Cloudy Trill soundscape. Free $krilla

It wouldn’t be a DroGotDoe track without a sports reference and this is one of my favorites. On the hook for “Go Round” Dro spits “Fuckin this bitch got her like oh yeah , makin these plays just like I’m Odell” which will instantly get stuck in your head. Jit was jammin this track hard at work. I like the “Merry Go Round” addition to the hook from $krilla, a really dope touch.
“Talk Down” is my favorite track on the project. The spaced out Trill piano production from Kushh Newton is so menacing, allowing Dro & $krilla to slide on the beat. So many lines on this one. I like when Dro says “I’ve been gettin hoes since the 8th Grade” sick line. One of my favorite aspects of this track was how $krilla & Dro went verse for verse instead of one doing a verse and then the other doing there’s. Dro’s flow during the middle verse of the track is brazy. My favorite aspect of $krilla is how vividly he paints pictures with his words. You can actually picture everything he is spitting based on his delivery and confidence.
“Double Up” is a vibe for sure. $krilla starts off the track with one of my favorite hooks from the project, you know how we bumin. The beat from Kushh is a bit more slowed down, allowing the listener to take in everything Dro, $krilla, & Dessasore. Dessasore was a dope addition to the track, since is style is very different from Dro & $krilla.
“Talkin My Shit” is a bit more faster paced beat from Kushh with a bit of Pierre Bourne influence but it makes this track sound a bit more wavy. Dro & $krilla both went brazy with the double time flow on this one. Again $krilla kills it with the imagery, especially on that “BAPE” line.
“KeepThatShit100!” features production from SRRY, who sticks with the atmospheric production. The Timberland line from $krilla was really dope, and I messed with his hazy flow. Deezy Wee the Reaper was a solid addition to the track. All these songs have really dope and different structures to them, like this one having everyone do their own interpretations of the hook Deezy.
Kushh Newton closes out the project back on the production with “School Bus”. This one is on some nostalgic jit shit foreal. The beat has an early morning cartoon vibe to it like we are all about to get on the school bus and smoke a wood with Dro, $krilla, Deezy, & Kushh. Everyone floated on this beat.
This project is the best of both words, you get Dro, you get $krilla, and you get some amazing production from Kushh Newton & SRRY. This is some of the best production I have heard from Kushh, which is saying a lot. This is some of the Trillest music to ever come out of the Tampa Bay Area. Free $krilla!