My brothers from REACH are constantly applying pressure, this time with their 2nd Pop Up at Neiman Marcus Tampa.

The first pop up the homies did at Neiman’s is tied with the Marino Infantry Pop Up for my favorite pop ups at REACH. It just felt like a milestone moment for the entire family, with the brand standing under the same room as some of the worlds most coveted high fashion brands

Last time gang pulled up with that exclusive Neimans “Red Moon” tee. Little has been released on what’s droppin at the event but you already know that brand new hemp inspired “Testament” tee will be available as well as the limited socks. There was a ton on surprise drops last event so I can only imagine what’s droppin today.
It’s pretty surreal that a little over a month ago the last Neiman’s Pop Up happened and the homies are already back again, just shows that all the grinding pays off. Everything is Made In REACH.