This season for the “Son’s of Pirates” and Rowdies faithful might be different, per St.Petersburg Fire Marshal Michael Domante smoke is now banned from all Rowdies games.

A long time tradition in European soccer, the setting off of smoke bombs representing your clubs colors is the best way to send home the supporters and the team after a victory. Seeing the teams Yellow and Green smoke fill up Al Lang Stadium sends chills down your spine. It not only signals a club victory, but also brings us together.
I feel there is an easy solution to the smoke issue at Al Lang Stadium. Possibly a chosen member of the club could be designated as “the smoker” or the one in charge of releasing the smoke.
Another solution could be that one firefighter could be in charge of releasing the smoke bombs thus being able to contain the smoke.
For now I feel it is best for supporters to lay low and cooperate with the Fire Dept until a solution is made. Whatever the outcome is I hope the Fire Dept and supporters can find some middle ground, keeping everyone safe but still allowing a Ralph’s Mob and Rowdies soccer tradition to continue.