iBOMS leaves us all stargazing with his first solo show at Mize Gallery, presenting “Ego Death”.

iBOMS concept for the show was to portray how a psychological death feels. iBOMS created two new characters “Ego” the lighter, earthy mushroom, and his counterpart “Ego Death” the yellow mushroom. Both characters live in this new world iBOMS has created. They act has a vessel for iBOMS to deliver his feelings and message.

Ego seems to be the more down to earth of the two. I think the hoodie makes him feel more human than Ego Death.

The name sake of the entire show, Ego Death is fixture in almost every piece from the show. You can tell he is the more mischievous of the two mushrooms.

Prior to taking his first airplane trip iBOMS decided to create a backpack piece to show off around the airport. Ego Death sure is doing a great drop rocking it as apart of this sculpture piece.

“Delivery To The Ideas” is a look at iBOMS creative process. Again Ego Death makes an appearance in the piece. I really dig when iBOMS uses these older looking frames, it really adds an old world museum quality to them, connect the new with the old.

This piece represents the euphoric high Jabari gets when he eats his favorite candy strawberry starburst. I can totally relate to this piece not necessarily with starburst, but with my own favorite snacks and sodas. That first sip of Cherry Coke hits different.

iBOMS representation of a mortal death, meaning anything of this world has a beginning and an end, which can be good or bad. The character represents iBOMS appearing in pain and defeated. The bumble fees surrounding the figure represent the light that can revive or rebirth the figure. The exit sign seems to be a new signature for iBOMS making an appearance in many of the pieces for the show. This by far is the best piece from the show and my favorite iBOMS piece to date.

“Ultralight Beams” is a very different piece for iBOMS, who very rarely takes a minimalistic approach with his work. This one just fits though, you can either ascend upwards into the light or fall back down into the darkness. Chad Mize said the new owner of the piece is going to hang it on a yellow wall, which is really going to make a statement. The process of Ego Death.

“Stargazing” represents what iBOMS sees when he looks at flowers. To him it’s like looking into a nebula or something intergalactic the way flowers appear and connect us to the universe.
I was completely blown away by the show and all the new pieces iBOMS had for our eyes and mind to devour. This is a contender for art show of the year. I plan on at least heading back to the gallery once every weekend while the show is on display. The show will be on display at Mize Gallery until January 24th, gallery hours are Saturdays 10AM-5PM and Sundays 10AM-2PM.