A staple of the High Tolerance ENT lineup 38Bucci is cementing himself as next up in the Florida Underground Hip Hop scene, not only with his skills on the mic, but also on the canvas.

I was first put onto Bucci by my homie Raggy. Eventually I was able to catch a performance from Bucci at the Robb Bank$ show back in August. His energy and charisma set him apart from the rest of the performers at the show, playing some of his classics records like “Ela$tic” and “$moke Dope”.

I feel Bucci’s sound is the future of FLA Underground. The mesh of trap vibes with that Trill FLA esthetic, is very need in the scene. Tracks like “IDK How 2 Feel” & “Don’t Era$e” are great examples of that trill sound.

On his latest joint “No Hook Part One”, Bucci is on his story telling shit, bringing the listener into the trenches with Bucci over an atmospheric beat. The visuals for the track really brings the track together, showing that Bucci is really bout that shit.

Not being confined to just one lane Bucci also creates 1 of 1 art pieces on canvas as well as on clothing. Often dabbling in abstract themes, Bucci’s work always feels fresh and unlike his previous piece. I really dig that fact that everything is just 1 of 1 work, not confining Bucci to the constraints of a brand.
With the constant amount of pressure Bucci releases, it’s only a matter of time before he’s headlong his own FLA tours and doing full art shows or pop ups of his own pieces. It’s very rare that you meet genuinely dope people in the FLA scene but Bucci is a real one for sure.